Main page / Calculations / Triangle Heights

Heights and midperpendiculars of a triangle


The parameters represent the sides a, b, c, angles A, B, C, heights ha, hb, hc, the radius R of the circumscribed circle and the three midperpendiculars da, db, dc, distances of the center O of the circle at the three sides of the triangle. The angles are given in degrees, their cosine and sines are respectively noted Ca, Cb, Cc, Sa, Sb, Sc. Starting from the values of three parameters the application gives the values of the other parameters, but not in all the cases. (Certains situations were not implemented, for example: a side, the perimeter and the area) The results are posted and moreover one can find in the last table, the order of calculations and the general formulas (or properties) used.



Three sides Numerical values  Literal expressions  [calculate]
Angle and its two sides Numerical values  Literal expressions  [calculate]
Two angles and a sid Numerical values  Literal expressions  [calculate]
Two angles and the radius of the circle Numerical values  Literal expressions  [calculate]
Radius and distances to the sides Numerical values  Literal expressions  [calculate]
[calculate]   [clear]


You can enter of the letters for variables or more complex literal expressions. The found expressions will not be simplified, but you will be able to use your preferred symbolic symbolic system to translate or to work with them.

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