Heads and tails


Click on one of the two coins of 50 cents euros, either on ' PILE' on the left, or on ' FACE' on the right. At the same time the computer makes in the same way.
The cross croix corresponds to your choice and the circle rond to the choice of the computer, when you see them coupled croix et rond it is that you lost the point, the counter 'ordi' increased by a point. But if you see croix  rond separate, it is you who gain the point, the counter 'player' was incremented by a point.

The computer marks 1 point when your choice and his is identical for it. When the two choices are different, you mark 1 point.
For example, if you choose Pile and if the computer chooses also Pile, it is the computer which marks the point.
But if you choose Pile and the Face computer, it is you who mark 1 point

The computer does not choose its blows completely randomly. If you always play the same blows and that the computer realizes there, it will adapt to try to gain (choose for him the strategy 2 and play only of the ' pile' to see what arrives).
However by varying your blows will mislead it easily to you and you will succeed in gaining a maximum of plays.


heads and tails Choose, click, start again

  total computer player  

computer strategy
The computer uses one of the strategies below, you can perhaps put it at fault
  1. mixed optimal (equiprobability of the piles and the faces played),
  2. adapted and depend on the last eight choices,
  3. progressive depending on the last ten choices,
  4. differential.
  5. average I (last 6, 15)
  6. average II (4, 10)
  7. lzw compression

  maxi   games lost wins

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© (Copyright) Jean-Paul Davalan 2002-2014